OSIX suspensions
2006: release of OSIX
2006: release of OSIX
OSIX is based on a patented microphone suspension principle (2005). The “Wire Form” technique widely used by the metal spring industry was adapted to microphone suspension isolators, which marked a breakthrough from the use of tensioned rubber bands. The industrial development of synthetic spring materials allowed the use of metal to be gradually replaced by unbreakable plastic.
An elastic suspension is by nature a compromise between the quality of the microphone hold (reduction of “wobbling”) and the minimization of handling noise (increased vibration isolation).
OSIX is thus a dedicated, non-modular suspension, offering the best compromise for indoor/outdoor use. OSIX is essentially offered in a single version for a particular microphone, unlike the E-OSIX, which in most cases is available in two versions: Soft and Hard.
For physical reasons, the OSIX with its crossed isolators is notably more favorable than the E-OSIX for double-body MS stereo configurations. It should be noted that many of the MS suspension modules used in windshields are of the OSIX type.
Although much older than the E-OSIX, the OSIX range is still offered for single body microphones for practical and technical reasons inherent to some microphones. See details reference by reference.
The integration of the wiring is a feature of all CINELA’s suspensions and windshields. It allows security, a miniaturization of the wiring and a “plug and play” use.
Adaptation to the different characteristics of the microphones (size, mass) is made possible by four shapes of crossed isolators (A, B, C and D) and three stiffness grades (2, 3 and 4)
The spare isolator kits are listed in the “Parts and Accessories” range
The OSIX is categorized by:
All OSIXs are equipped with a SW-UL-A toothed swivel since 2018 and a standard cable.
A wiring option, referred to as “RF-OPT“, offers reinforced protection against interference caused by the increasing use of digital transmitters (see “Parts and Accessories” range).